How get in

The cheapest way to get to Positano from Naples is public transport. From Naples Central Station in Piazza Garibaldi (the same where the National trains arrive and depart) you can take the Circumvesuviana trains to Sorrento. From 16.30 to 19.00 it is not recommended because it is very crowded. The fare is approximately 5 Euros per person and the journey takes approximately 90 minutes if you take the rapid train and 110 minutes for the regular one.

bus train

Once you arrive in Sorrento you have to change and take the "Sita" bus which stops right on the station. Duration of the ride of about an hour at a price of about 4 euros per person.

But beware: The roads inside the town are narrow and large buses cannot access the center of the town, then it will leave you on the main road, the SS163 also called Amalfi Drive, in front of the Bar Internazionale. So check carefully where your hotel is located.

You can consult the timetables of the Circumvesuviana trains and the SITA buses in the links below

Taxi and Car service

Traveling by car is certainly more comfortable and easier but also more expensive as a ride from Naples to taxi sorrentoPositano would cost around 140.00 euros, especially for individuals or couples. Much better for groups or families of 6-7 people who would pay just 20 Euros or a little more each. For more information, see the taxi page

Cheap Restaurants

Ristorante da Costantino Tel 089875738

Hotel Ristorante da Pupetto a Fornillo Tel. 089 875087

Ristorante da Ferdinando in Fornillo Beach Tel 089 875365


Hostel Brikette Via G. Marconi, 358 Positano 84017

Information office

Azienda autonoma Soggiorno e turismo

Via del Saracino 4 Positano 84017 (Salerno). Tel. 089 875067

Position of Positano